Economic integration with EU/extra UE countries and compliance with international standards
San Marino is fully integrated into the international community, having official relations with 151 nations, high standards of living, in terms of social and public health services, territory and environment, education and culture, and with a legal system that encourages new investments and supports the establishment of new companies.
The economic system of San Marino is strongly integrated into the economy of the European Union, considering the important agreements signed with the EU, and specifically the Cooperation and Customs Union Agreement, harmonizing both economies in terms of tariffs, customs rules and procedures, and international trading, and the Agreement on Monetary Relations, harmonizing both in terms of currency and monetary regulations and policy, with San Marino into the Euro Area and the SEPA, Single Euro Payments Area.
San Marino has also received the highest evaluation on behalf of the OECD by being rated as “Compliant” in terms of international tax cooperation and exchange of information, besides being acknowledged as a nation fully cooperative for tax purposes by the ECOFIN Council of the European Union.
Many are the bilateral agreements now in force: n.23 DTA Agreements for the elimination of double taxation, n.31 TIEA Agreements according to the OECD standards, for the exchange of information for tax purposes, and n.8 PPI Agreements for the promotion and protection of investments.
Favourable tax system
In the field of direct taxation, the General Income Tax (IGR) provides for the taxation of corporate income at the flat tax rate of 17%, reduced to 8,5% in the case of newly founded companies, which also receive exemption from license tax for the first three year period. The General Income Tax (IGR) also regulates the taxation of individuals according to a set of progressive tax rates ranging from 9% to 35%.
In the field of indirect taxation, the Single Phase Tax (Imposta Monofase) is levied on the value of goods, and directly related services, imported into the territory by economic operators. The ordinary tax rate is set at 17%, excluding some specific categories such as food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, taxed at the lower rates of 6% and 2%.
Specific incentives for innovative startups
Setting up a company in San Marino makes you eligible for subsidized loans offered to new companies.
Furthermore, if the business activity is considered significantly innovative or high-tech, the company is eligible for entering into a specific program of public support by the Institute for Innovation of the Republic of San Marino, providing tax relief and other incentives for a period spanning from 3 to 12 years.
Special residence regimes
1) UNCONVENTIONAL RESIDENCE REGIME: 7% flat tax rate on foreign source income, minimum tax amount €.10.000 and maximum tax amount €.100.000
2) UNCONVENTIONAL RESIDENCE REGIME FOR PENSIONERS: 6% flat tax rate on foreign source income, reserved to pensioners with minimum annual income €.50.000 and minimum net wealth €.300.000
3) SIMPLIFIED REGIME FOR AUTOMATIC RESIDENCE: reserved to entrepreneurs creating new business initiatives with job opportunities for at least n.5 employees
4) ELECTIVE RESIDENCE REGIME: reserved to persons investing in either: a) residential real estate property (min. €.500.000), or b) securities issued by RSM (min.€.600.000) to be held on a deposit account for n.10 years
5) ECONOMY DRIVEN RESIDENCE REGIME: reserved to persons assuming a majority shareholding in a new limited liability or stock company, creating from 1 to 3 job opportunities, and presenting a bank or insurance guarantee of €.75.000 (€.150.000 from the third year)
6) RESIDENCE REGIME FOR SPECIFIC CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS: Reserved to persons working as directors, managers or in similar roles of primary importance in the following sectors: a) healthcare and social services; b) banking, insurance and financial services; c) public security.
Also reserved to directors and managers of companies with a significant labor force, to persons investing in business initiatives, in real estate projects, or promoting projects considered to be of strategic importance for the Republic of San Marino, and to persons willing to donate to the Republic of San Marino items of significant cultural or social value or in terms of public interest.
An International Firm